Friday, January 16, 2015

Rhapsody In Blue(s)

My latest book order came!  I had not realized I color coded my choices.  Was it a trend?  Had I been doing this subconsciously for a while?  Impossible!  Preposterous!  So, I checked.  The month before I walked out of the bookstore with The Crystal Cave and The Sun Also Rises tucked under an arm.

The Sun Also Rises
The Crystal Cave (Arthurian Saga, #1)

and then there was the book order comprised of:

In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex

In the Kingdom of Ice: The Grand and Terrible Polar Voyage of the USS Jeannette

The proof, as they say, is in the cover art.  I have no idea how long this has been going on.  Is it a sign of something deeper, more psychological, than the lure of a color wheel?  Wouldn't it be fun to take all the books one owns and line them up by hue?  Just to see how it looked?  Discover your primary palette for prose!  Define your literary pigment.  Achieve the ultimate crayolafication of your reading life!  Are you a tranquil blue, a dignified gray, a tender pink?  Or perhaps you are:

The Camerons



  1. You're making me wonder about my own purchases; I'll have to look for color themes next time I shop for books!

  2. Tinky, I'm seriously going to try to figure this out. Someone needs to do a scientific study...they probably already have.

  3. I always wish I had the energy to organize all my books by color. My shelves would be so beautiful then! But I worry that I'd have too many whites and grays, so it would be chromatically dull, and I also feel like I'd never be able to find any books again. I don't trust my visual memory that much. Best to have them organized predictably by author.

  4. Jenny, I know! I can't find books by the same author now. Alas, I'm not even that organized. So, how would I find anything if everything was put in place according to color? But still,suddenly I wonder if a particular book cover color attracts my attention. I think you're wise. Better by author than by hue.

  5. Ha, love it! I confess I'm influenced by the colour of the jackets when I choose my current reads and new acquisitions for my blog's sidebar. It is rather satisfying when the jackets coordinate nicely! I'm not sure it's extended yet to my book purchases but I can quite see that it might! Do hope you enjoy your lovely new books - they look fab.

  6. Litlove, I have this fear that I really AM plaid! I actually own that book, The Camerons, which I read in the mid-1970s and I remember that I quite liked it! I am anxious to start reading The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop. Did you review that one? I think you may have.

  7. This is so interesting. I hope you let us know what you find out. I noticed that some book shops group books with similar colors together.

  8. Caroline, actually I think all of us are entwined in the entire color spectrum. Seriously, though, I imagine that publishers spend countless hours and copious amounts of cash to come up with just the right cover - color and content. I'm anxious to dig into The Yellow Lighted Bookshop to see if Buzbee brings it up at all.
